
List Of
Enrolled Souls

Displaying 476 - 500 of 1,132

Khlaea Thoeuk


Died :


Killed by drunk driver. The crash occurred just after midnight, hours after Riley Danard turned 18, and Khlaea also 18 were killed driving home from celebrating his birthday.

Rev Fr Dr Adolphys Ezeakor and family

Died :


A priest of the Diocese of Ekwulobia, the Parish priest of St. John's Parish Igboukwu & lecturer at Igbariam, COOU. He was a native of Achina Town in Aguata Anambra state. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri and family

Died :


Hossein Khosrow Ali Vaziri "The Iron Sheik", was an Iranian-American professional wrestler, amateur wrestler, and actor. The only Iranian champion in WWE, winning WWF World Heavyweight in 1983. RIP.

Caputo Family

"Pat Cooper" Pasquale Caputo

Died :


Pat Cooper (born Pasquale Caputo was an American actor and comedian. He was known for his appearances in The Howard Stern Show, Imus in the Morning and Opie and Anthony.

John Michael Sheeran

Died :


Husband and WWII vet. An amazing and loving Poppy to his grandchildren.

Susie McElroy

Chris Vitt

Brandon Leupold


Freddie Aragon

Loving husband, uncle, and friend.

Virginia Sheeran

Loving wife and mother.

Francis Osler

Died :


Devout Catholic and loving wife, mother, and grandmother.

Reid Osler

Reid was a gentle and loving soul. Father and a loving Poppy to his grandchildren.

Jean Guy Lessard


Died :


Jean Lessard passed away after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease on at the age of 77 in Dover, New Hampshire. Marine in Viet Nam, State Trooper for multiple Governor details. Devoted to family.

Joe Wright


Died :


By Bernadette Milliken-Joe was a devout God-fearing Catholic, devoted husband, father, brother, uncle & friend. He was a true example of a Christ like man of God.He was an inspiration & cause of joy🙏

Rex Fernandes and family

Died :


Rex was born in India in 1947 and died the day before his 48th wedding anniversary. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him and may he rest in peace.

Louis “Coco” Bienes


Died :


~ From his grieving mother Cindy Charlot Bienes; Please help me pray for my son Louis “Coco” Bienes. Only 18 year’s old~Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis. Rest in Peace 🌹

Floro Y. Pagulayan


Died :


We will miss you dearly tito Bong Floro Y. Pagulayan! All our love & prayers for your family tita Marichu Lorenzo Pagulayan. It was an honor serving with you! Mission accomplished tito! Watch over us!

Daniel (Dan) Lee Venzke


Died :



Joseph Igoche

Died :


Raymond Ejembi Igoche, Joseph Onyirofiyeh Igoche, Peter Oche Igoche. Bartholomew Audu Igoche, Ogbene Benson Amedu,Ada David Idenyi,Salome Itodo Eze And many others

"Tina" Anna Mae Bullock Turner and family


Died :


Tina Turner (born Anna Mae Bullock) was an American-born and naturalized Swiss singer. Known as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll," she is the mother of four sons. May she rest in peace.

Izear Luster "Ike" Turner Jr and family


Died :


Izear was an American musician, bandleader, songwriter, record producer, and talent scout. He is best known with his then-wife Tina Turner as the leader of the Ike & Tina Turner Revue.

Grete Winton (Gjelstrup) and family

Died :


In 1988, she discovered an old case in the attic containing a notebook about her husband, Nicholas Winton's part in saving the lives of 669 Jewish children during the Holocaust. May they rest in peace

Sir Nicholas George Winton


Died :


Sir Nicholas George Winton was a British stockbroker & humanitarian who helped 669 Jewish children who were at risk of being murdered by Nazi Germany, from Ctzechoslovakia to safety in Great Britain.

Alfonz Antony and family

Died :
