Roberto Gonzales
Raquel Welch and family
Ronnie Turner and family
Robert Lane Saget and family
Ray Liotta and family
Robert Cormier and Family
Robbie Coltrane and family
Rutherford Family
Ratzinger Family
Roberts Family
Rivas Family
Reeves Family
Rita Minnick
May my mothers soul be lifted up to heaven
Rebecca Ann Ruyle
Enrolled by Janelle Thomas Chance. Rest In Peace & May perpetual Light shine upon you Rebecca Ann, my dear friend since 4th Grade.
Robert Collins
Rex Woods
Please pray for Mercy for the soul of
Rex Woods. He had colon cancer, spread to liver and bones, age 85. He took his own life Thursday November 10, 2022.
Randy Meek
Ruth Pilley
Eternal Rest grant unto Ruth Pilley, O Lord. May Perpetual Light shine upon her. May Ruth Pilly, and all of the Faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen.
Raul Andal
Rodolfo Andal
Ruth Pilley
Eternal Rest grant unto Ruth Pilley, O Lord. May Perpetual Light shine upon her. May Ruth Pilley, and all of the Faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen
Ryan Kigo
May God rest my dear Ryan in eternal peace.